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17 sustainable development goals of un

17 sustainable development goals of un

17 sustainable development goals of un

Regular price R$ 753.381,87 BRL
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17 sustainable development goals of un

Explore the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations to create a more sustainable and equitable world. Discover the key objectives to tackle global challenges and promote prosperity for all.

In a concerted effort to address pressing global issues and promote a sustainable future, the United Nations has established 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide countries and organizations towards a more inclusive, prosperous, and environmentally friendly world

These goals encompass a wide range of objectives, from eradicating poverty and hunger to ensuring quality education, clean water, and affordable clean energy for all

By focusing on issues such as climate action, gender equality, and sustainable cities, the SDGs aim to transform our world into a place where people and the planet can thrive harmoniously

Join the movement towards a better future by learning about and supporting these essential goals today.

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